i can't believe it my boys went to SECOND GRADE today! they look gigantic. when did they get so big and grown up????? they have been counting down the days!

every other first day of school they have been in cute plaid shorts and a cute t-shirt. . . well gone are those days notice cool
Zags basketball shorts and shirt and flashy dry fit
Nike soccer shirt. they are my little athletes and now apparently we have to dress like athletes even on the first day of school.

goofin around. . . i have 800 pictures that look like this.

so big!
kinkade at his desk.
keagan at his desk. . . yes they are still in the same class. they do great together and love to be in the same class!

the backpack shot!

daddy took this picture with their sisters before he walked them to school. they are the sweetest big brothers on the planet.

waving and YELLING BYE!!! emery loves to yell BYE!!
aaron said they could still hear her all the way down the block. she thought she was pretty funny.

happy first day to my first babies! i can't wait to hear how it went.
FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! LOVED hearing they are in the same class - way to go!!!!!!! and they are gye-normous!!!
Hugs and happy first day to them
P and P
I hope that you guys loved your first day!! Jordan, Benjamin and Bradley all had great days. We love you guys.
Wow, Darc, they DO look BIG!! So grown up & such handsome little guys! And your girls are too cute for words waving goodbye to them on their first day back to school. FUN - can't wait to hear how it went! (is it just me or do their desks look TINY, and too small for your growin' boys?!!!) ;)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! I can't believe how grown up everyone is... when did that happen?! ...And most of all I LOVE how much love you can see in those pics!
Ummmmm... what?!?! NO WAY! The boys look like teenagers already!!! When did that happen?? So grown up!
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