it's the simple things of summer that make me so happy. . sundresses and p
opsicles are two of my favorite!

i love how
lucia is crossing her legs so sweetly.

my messiest kiddo yet! she is covered in whatever she eats. . she could and should take a bath after each meal and snack!

my best purchase of the year. . yellow saltwater
sandals they are the cutest and in my book go with everything!

i have to hose down the whole porch after emery has a p
opsicle no joke. . look at the swing! twin boys were not this messy. this little girl dives into life full force!

enjoying that first lick!

man i love my girls and summer!
aaron makes fun of me for taking so many p
opsicle pictures but i can't help myself. along with first day of school shots and beach photos they are my favorite. exciting news to share next post stay tuned. . any guesses????
Your going to be doing the Willard Winkle!!!!! YEAH!!!!
You are PREGNANT!! love you, Rachelle
Ummmm... last time you had me guess on news you were pregnant. But I'm going to go ahead and guess that you're moving. Not sure why I'm guessing that though. Random. :)
I know what it is...Emery is walking!! Love, r
Keith's guess is your house has been visited by the toothfairy.
...what could it be?? ...are you getting a puppy?!!
I'm thinking puppy too.
And I hope it's not that you are moving...unless you are moving to my neighborhood - hey, the house across the street from us is up for sale!!!! xoxo, kc
Oh my, now I will be stalking your blog like a crazy woman!! Tell us the news! Here's my guess... You are adopting from Ethiopia and you are going to travel at the same time that we do! HA! Okay, so that was just a dream of mine! :)
Love the popsicle pics and the yellow sandals!! CUTE!!!
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