emery literally started walking on the beach! yes this is the big news. . not really big news for anyone else but let's just say it has been a long time coming. she has been taking steps for a long time but just wouldn't take off and walk! well, i guess she was waiting to go to the beach. she is so proud of herself and we are so proud of her!

sorry no puppies here. . . 5/6 the
mcmurrays would love that! i think it is in our future, but i can't feed anymore living things. so when the boys can truly help with a dog game on! and NO i am not pregnant and we can't move we just refinanced. so there it is emery is now among the walking humans! it is so dang cute! i was looking back when lucia started walking such cute pics. . here is the link
Well, I think that is big news!! Gilli didn't walk until 19, almost 20 months, and wow, it was a huge deal at our house!! Congrats to the big girl Emery!! YAY!!
You ask about Gilli going to school... She starts preschool after Labor Day! What am I going to do with 2 1/2 hours to myself 2 days a week? :)
Ooooh so cute! And such fun that she's now toddling around. Wow is she ever growing up fast - your whole family!!
P.S. I heard you loved Mrs. B's class & we are excited Jack is going to be in her afternoon preschool 3 days a week. We're hopeful he really enjoys it, learns & grows from the experience. Once Julie told me how much you loved her & were willing to drive the boys 3 days a week all the way across town - I was in. :) haha. Looking at how fast Emery is growing up made me think about Lucia and the boys as well - because I remember when you were posting about them in preschool too! :) Love you guys!
WOW! I cannot believe how big she is and GORGEOUS!!! Miss you, love you!
She does look so very proud of herself! This is just precious! What a great place to learn to walk!
Loves - great news...
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