- all three in one day. it was the perfect day.
we visited santa - keagan asked for a russel westbrook jersey, kinkade asked for speed stacking cups, lucia asked for a barbie, and emery pearl asked for a baby doll with no hair. the actual santa picture is my favorite yet, but our scanner is not working. we did take a couple with the big white fluffy bear.
we have been talking about getting a puppy. . . well K&K have been talking about getting a dog for years. finally, this summer we said if all the kids saved 100.00$ and earned 125 puppy points (anything above and beyond that exemplifies responsibility) we would start the conversation and start researching.
100.00$ saved - check
125 puppy points - check
breed of dog decided upon - check
breeder found - check
puppies born - check
So. . after Santa we went to visit the litter. we told the kids we were just visiting and continuing our research. but of course we all fell in love! we did not put a deposit down, because we had secret plan - more to come on this:)
then we returned home for the kiely's to come over, so we could all snuggle hallie june!
santa. puppies. and hallie june = the perfect day. enjoy pics from the day.