Lucia the EXPLORER - This child is so brave and independent. She is everywhere all the time. We find her down in the basement alone playing or up in a bedroom with the door closed causing great destruction to whatever she can get her hands on. She does not stay near us anywhere we go she is gone exploring and meeting people. She is so busy and fast. I thought when we checked the girl box we were signing up for quiet tea parties and hours of coloring . . .nope she is 10 times more active then the boys ever were:)
Lucia the SOCIAL BUTTERFLY - This girl loves a Party! She loves people and parties! Just like the moment we stepped off the plane and she started smiling and laughing when she saw all the people. When we go to church she races ahead of us and and yells at the gate of the nursery "Hello, Hello, Hello!" She is the very happiest when there are lots of people around.
Lucia the BOSS - She thinks she rules this house. She is the boss of the boys and usually her parents. Demanding what she would like everyone to do. She has us all wrapped around her finger and it is a little scary sometimes.
Lucia the CUDDLER - She loves to cuddle! She will snuggle so sweetly. Her favorite thing in the world is to snuggle and watch a movie. She will watch the whole movie all cuddled up.
Lucia MISS SASSY PANTS - Yes this girl stands up for her self and voices her opinion. She will yell "NO" ALOT. We are working on this consistently and diligently. We always know what she is thinking. She is so feisty and sassy. I am hoping this will serve her well in life but it makes for some really rough toddler days.
Lucia is still FULL OF JOY! - God gave me the word Joy when I started praying for this baby girl to be part of our life. Then the first time we met her at 3 weeks old she was the happiest most joyful newborn I had ever been around. We brought her up to the hotel room within 15 minutes of meeting her she looked right in our eyes and smiled at us, and continued to do so all week. Her smile melts your heart. . . the dimples are to die for. Her laugh is even more delightful. She has filled our life with Joy this last year in so many ways.
Lucia's favorite things -
Kitties especially our cat Murphy, music, people, crackers, yogurt covered raisins, being chased by her brothers, balls, reading books, movies, birds, dogs barking, going in the hot tub with Dad, cookies, sparkling cider, playing trot with Grampy, cute booties (boots), Elmo, and her all time favorite Yoda (yep Yoda from Star Wars I think it was her first word and she talks about him all day.)
God is Good and we are so blessed to be Lucia Jacinta Shean McMurrays forever family.