we had the most wonderful thanksgiving. . . we
desperatly needed some family time with nowhere to go. we have had the craziest fall. i went back to work half time teaching, coached volleyball and continued tutoring.
aaron has been super busy at work. the boys have had such a great fall with football, soccer, second grade, piano and
lucia loves preschool and emery has adjusted well. we have been blessed to have two gals live with us again and
grampy and
grammy help us all the time. the kids are always at home with someone who loves them! i am home by 12:30 everyday. we have been looking forward to thanksgiving to just be home and be together. it was a great day of cuddling, movies, cooking, eating, hot
tubbing and games!
grammy and
grampy were here and uncle
bryan came for dinner. i took way too many pictures of the day forgive me. . . i just could not stop snapping pictures. . .

it snowed all day it was so beautiful. . . there is nothing like hot
tubbing in the snow.

the table this year. . .my mom always knocks the ball out of the park with the table setting.

lulu added to the decor this year with such a darling turkey.

this morning emery was so precious. . . i think she was just so excited we were all here cuddling in the living room just being together. she kept hugging and kissing the boys. it was the sweetest thing we have ever seen. i love this picture of her and
kinkade watching the
macy's day parade.

so sweet. . .

a pyramid in the living room. .happy and healthy kids . . so thankful.

these two of the most special bond with each other.

our sweet baby girl. loves the hot tub! i got a little carried away taking hot tub pictures. the snow made it so fun!

my favorite dish at thanksgiving cranberry sauce!

the pies!
aaron made the pies this year. . .what a guy!

the girls ended the day with r
udolf the red nose reindeer. after the girls went to bed we all watched "elf" what a great movie. i love listening to the boys laugh during this movie. let the
christmas season begin! off to cut down the tree tomorrow. love this time of year.
grammy brought a table gift for each one of the kids. . . silly bands and wind of toys. emery got a flip it monkey and was in aw!

enjoying her dinner.

we went around the table at dinner and said the top three things we were all thankful for. . . i love to keep a record of each year. here it goes. . .
mommy - family, healthy kids, a great volleyball season
daddy - great smart fun kids, i don't always get what i want, a thoughtful fun wife
keagan - kinkade, his bike, grammy
kinkade - his sisters, brother, and grampy
lucia - mommy, daddy, brothers, and my sister
grammy - 4 great grandchildren, christmas decorations,
grampy - great cross country season, grandkids, wonderful wife
we are so blessed. . .