Thursday, May 28, 2009
the best big brothers
I am so proud of my boys and how sweet and tender and Helpful they are with their sisters. They LOVE their sisters so much and are so affectionate with them. Yesterday they made Lucia lunch while mom was nursing. They have gotten so independent and patient. These two little girls have brought the very best out in them. 
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We had to go visit New Baby Moses!
It is so crazy when your baby brother (who is now 30) has a baby and is a Dad! Moses was born last Thursday May 22nd and Grammy bought tickets to Boston the next morning for Grammy, Auntie Darcy and Baby Emery to go meet him! So we flew out Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and got home really late Monday night. Quick trip and lots of flying but so worth it.
Cousins. . . Emery and Baby Moses. Emery is almost exactly 2 months older. They weighed exactly the same amount when the were born 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Since Grampy didn't come he wanted to see a comparison picture of size. Emery looks huge when she is only 10 lbs. now. Oh how fast they grow.
Daddy kissing Moses. My brother is already a really involved, helpful, thoughtful, intentional Dad and I am not one bit surprised. Everything he puts his heart into he does 150%!
The babies were looking up so we all looked up too:) Doesn't mama Grace look great.
What is it with new dads and their pride in the swaddle. Damian schooled us on swaddling the entire weekend. I remember Aaron being the swaddling master with the boys when they were born and now he swaddles Emery so tight she turns pink.
Grammy and Damian in Harvard Square buying flowers for Mama Grace.
My first nephew.
Damian and Baby Crissen (Grace's sisters baby, Moses cousin on the other side.)
Boston was so much fun! And we loved getting to meet Moses and see Damian and Grace. Emery was perfect. She did not make a peep for 12 hours total on the plane there and back. I think she loved the one on one attention she got from mom which is so rare in this crazy household.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Happiest Funniest Human alive!
Yes Miss Lucia is the funniest kid I have ever know in my life. She keeps the entire family laughing! She steals the show everywhere we go. She talks non stop. . we thought Keagan talked alot . .well multiply that by 10 or more. Yesterday I decided to count how many times she said my name on the way to drop off Kinkade at Tae Kwon Do class. . approximately a 7 minute drive from our house. I got to 316 when we pulled into the parking lot. She tells me everything she sees. . I mean everything "OOK MOMMY birdies, school bus, big truck, another car!" Everything she says is an enthusiastic yell! I have never had anyone talk to me so much in my entire life. She is literally BURSTING with personality.
I had to take a photo today of my first dandelion bouquet from Lucia. So sweet.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
star of the week
Yep. . Keagan is a reader and can tie his shoes!
Keagan reminds me everyday of my brother. He has uncle Damian's passion, drive, and focus. When he sets his mind to something his focus and drive is unmatched. He has decided he is going to learn how to tie his shoes and there is no stopping him! I think he logged a good two hours a day for the last week working on it, and was thrilled when he finally got it. And now he is determined he is going to read "real" books and walks around everywhere reading the above book. If you sit down for a second he will read to you. Uncle Damian ended up at Harvard as the captain of the basketball team and it was his drive, focus and passion that got him there. These qualities are hard to live with sometimes but I pray will serve Keagan well just as they have served my red headed little brother well! Speaking of my little brother and his wife Grace are due any moment with their first baby! We can't wait to see if we are going to have a niece or a nephew and it is Uncle Damian's Birthday today! We love you Uncle Damian!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Is this normal? Does your fridge look like this?
Someone told me once that having boys was a a constant sticky house, lots of milk, cereal, and jeans!
Well we escaped the jeans so far the boys hate jeans and only wear shorts, sweats, and cargos.
But we buy more milk than anyone I know. We go through a half gallon a day if not more and we need so many different kinds! Every family member has a different kind of milk. . after writing that last part I realize this is totally high maintenance!
*Organic Vanilla Soy milk - The boys favorite every night before bed and a full cup first thing in the morning. They would have it all day long but I have to draw the line somewhere.
* Regular 2% for cereal
* Whole milk for Lucia apparently from 1-2 this is the best kind of milk for toddlers.
* Half and Half for my husband who has to have it in his coffee and actually he would poor it on everything but again you have to draw the line somewhere.
* Not pictured Organic Vanilla milk boxes for packed lunches everyday
* Also not pictured breast milk for Emery I thought that might be inappropriate for the blog.
So is this normal that our entire fridge is filled with milk and we are constantly restocking?
mmmmmmmm. . . . . . is this going to get better or worse as the kids get older . . HELP!
Someone told me once that having boys was a a constant sticky house, lots of milk, cereal, and jeans!
Well we escaped the jeans so far the boys hate jeans and only wear shorts, sweats, and cargos.
But we buy more milk than anyone I know. We go through a half gallon a day if not more and we need so many different kinds! Every family member has a different kind of milk. . after writing that last part I realize this is totally high maintenance!
*Organic Vanilla Soy milk - The boys favorite every night before bed and a full cup first thing in the morning. They would have it all day long but I have to draw the line somewhere.
* Regular 2% for cereal
* Whole milk for Lucia apparently from 1-2 this is the best kind of milk for toddlers.
* Half and Half for my husband who has to have it in his coffee and actually he would poor it on everything but again you have to draw the line somewhere.
* Not pictured Organic Vanilla milk boxes for packed lunches everyday
* Also not pictured breast milk for Emery I thought that might be inappropriate for the blog.
So is this normal that our entire fridge is filled with milk and we are constantly restocking?
mmmmmmmm. . . . . . is this going to get better or worse as the kids get older . . HELP!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
mother's day 09
I had a wonderful mothers day. . it started with sleeping in. . always my best gift! Then the kids and Aaron brought me a latte, maple bars, flowers (my three favorite treats,) and the sweetest card that has all the kids voices recorded. Lucia kept saying all day "Happy Mommy day!" It was so sweet. We went to church and then had a wonderful picnic at the park this evening. The sun was shining and everyone was healthy and happy what else can a mom ask for.
My FOUR kids on mothers day 09 ~

My FOUR kids on mothers day 09 ~
Last year I went all out and wrote about each one of my kids and posted tons of photos -
This year not so much I am in the sleep deprived newborn world:) I never dreamed writing last year we would have another little girl in our family. God added two baby girls rather quickly and beyond our wildest dreams. I love being a mom to my two boys and now my two girls. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life yet the very best thing I have ever taken on. Even harder than three-a-day practices in college or teaching 26 six year olds for six hours a day. I pray all day for God to give me patience and energy and most days I fail miserably with at least one of them. I feel like being a mom is living with a dump truck of guilt all the time that you should of, could of, wish I would of said or done differently. At the end of the day I have to trust that I did the best I could that day and God is taking care of the rest. This year I wanted to write the first three words that come to my mind when I think of each of my kids.
Kinkade (6 years old) - thoughtful, compassionate, imaginative
Keagan (6 years old) - passionate, curious, affectionate
Lucia (22 months old) - joyful, enthusiastic, appreciative
Emery (6 weeks old) - sweet, hungry, contemplative
Happy Mother's Day to my mom who still takes care of me daily She sees the very worst of me and loves me unconditionally better than anyone! Love you mom you are amazing woman and an incredible mom!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
double chins. . . spring soccer & concerts
Sunday, May 3, 2009
check out these pics!
For a shower gift from my two dear friends KayC. and Grace they gave me a gift certificate to this fabulous photographer. . . . . I loved her and how the pictures turned out! How are we ever going to choose?!?!
Here is the link if you are interested -
Go to - enter site
Go to - client lounge
password - darcy
Here is the link if you are interested -
Go to - enter site
Go to - client lounge
password - darcy
weeky (grampy) and the school buses
When the boys were 2 years old my dad watched them at our house every morning while I taught half time. And, every morning he would walk them down to the corner by the elementary school to count and watch the school buses come by. They LOVED school buses. It is so crazy Lucia is 2 months from being two and all of a sudden she is enthralled with school buses.. . . so Grampy (Lucia calls him Weeky) go down every morning to count the school buses. I am not teaching this year but Grampy comes over each morning to talk with Keagan, Kinkade, and Lucia during breakfast and play games before the boys go to school. He likes to start his day with his grand kids. It was so sweet to watch them walking down the sidewalk I had to take a picture.
Ready to go Weeky. . she now starts talking to him about the buses from the moment he walks in the door.
Friday, May 1, 2009
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